Applying big data decision support to help agriculture producers and economies in Texas, the U.S. and across the globe
USDA Forest Service BRASS: Burning Risk Advisory Support System
USDA Forest Service BRASS: Burning Risk Advisory Support System Developing the USDA Forest Service’s vegetation and fire monitoring system Protecting National Forests and Grasslands from fire The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service is a Federal agency that manages public…
System info and access USDA Forest Service BRASS: Burning Risk Advisory Support System
Mali Livestock and Pastoralist Initiative
Mali Livestock and Pastoralist Initiative Access to technology, capacity building for a stronger livestock system in Mali A mission to improve the Mali livestock system USAID-Mali has identified an overall goal to “improve the productivity and income of the producers…
System info and access Mali Livestock and Pastoralist Initiative
Mongolia LEWS: Livestock Early Warning System
Mongolia LEWS: Livestock Early Warning System Preparing pastoralists and decision-makers with critical, timely information in the face of drought Early warning for livestock in Mongolia’s Gobi Region During the period from 1999 to 2002, Mongolia experienced a series of droughts…
System info and access Mongolia LEWS: Livestock Early Warning System
East Africa LEWS: Livestock Early Warning System
East Africa LEWS: Livestock Early Warning System Understanding and communicating the emergence of drought — allowing pastoral communities to cope with a rapidly changing environment Striking a balance The delicate balance between selecting and maintaining a stocking rate that meets…
System info and access East Africa LEWS: Livestock Early Warning System